Main Stage

Confabulation: Road Maps
An evening of true stories told on stage by the people that lived them – without notes, props or gimmicks! Co-hosts Carol-Lynne Michaels and Cassandra Togneri will introduce you to six people with stories inspired by the theme “Road Maps: Stories of meeting places, holy grails and charting your own course." Buckle up for stories about high school road trips, pivotal playlists, winding career pathways, and unforgettable encounters overseas. See you March 20 at our brand new location: The Coda! STORYTELLERS for this show: Chaz Booty Misty Cozac David Jam Ramjattan Raman Sanghera Ferron Olynyk Darren Millar Check and our social accounts for updates. If YOU have a story to tell, submit your story outline to